Doing a quick google search of the following popular items, you get these search results:
Jesus: 194,000,000
God: 469,000,000
Food: 742,000,000
Car: 927,000,000
House: 1,190,000,000
And then do search 'love'.
Love: 1,530,000,000
Not to put too much stock into a google search, but I take two things from this seemingly mindless study:
1)People place a higher interest/importance in love than material possessions (cars, houses), the most basic of needs (food) and faith (God)
2)Apart from food, love is the most universal.
Love is so universal, yet so hard to find for so many. Even when love has been discovered and marriage happens, it tends not to work out for Americans.
From divorcerate.org:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
Evidently, you don't become a better lover with experience.
You certainly don't have much a chance in marriage if you weren't meant to be in the first place. Two quick examples: 1) Richard Jefferson (if y'all couldn't contact everyone to let them know the wedding was off and heads showed up, clearly this was no match. Luckily for Jefferson, he gave the group of people who showed up his Visa black card for the night. Now that's a mea culpa if I ever heard one) and 2) this couple that lives below us that argues constantly. They're scheduled to get married next month. We've heard them argue constantly for the past three months (which just so happens to coincide with when we moved in). I have a sneaking suspicion they've been arguing for a lot longer than just the past three months.
Couple #1 got out before the big day, albeit a tad late.
Couple #2 - Well...let's just say their wedding date and arguments are still on and poppin.
About six weeks out from my wedding, I know I have found a true love. Elizabeth is everything you could want in a life partner. Intelligence, motivation, sense of humor, care for others, beauty, etc. We can hang out with friends, run around together in the city, or just sit around watching tv (usually HGTV, and oh how's it growing on me). Whatever it is, I enjoy every moment of it. Before I met Liz, I had been a single guy for all but 2 weeks of my life. It was great and I enjoyed it. But it pales in comparison to being in a long-term relationship. It truly is indescribable. Poets and musicians have penned lyrics about the subject of love for centuries. Very few have captured it, and I won't attempt it with any words of my own. I know this much: I'm infatuated with love and the thought of my life with Liz. Coltrane's "Naima" describes how I feel perfectly.
John Coltrane - "Naima"
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